Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Have you noticed....

Hey, Doll-lovers
Have you noticed that 1 particular store, nearly NEVER clears out their things? I've been on stardoll for 1 year already, but this store is always there, and I can still buy the same things.. can you guess? The answer is the store called: Stardoll. You can STILL buy the same dresses, same jeans etc.

AND have you noticed how the price has gone up? Especially LE..... at the start when I joined it was about 30-50 sd, now the highest it nearlx 200!!! Of course I can understand how they need money, but people are going to stop if they dont watch out!
Do you think they are getting to gredy???

Is stardoll getting toooo greedy??
Yes WAY to greedy!
Getting worse, but not yet...
I understand why but...
Its normal
Too greedy? I think its great like this!

See results

polls & surveys

Pallie xP


  1. And yes they are getting very greedy

  2. LE, Antidote, tribute shops, Splash, and all new clothes are way more expencive then they used to be normal clothes. It is really unfair.

  3. it wont let me vote but my choice for the poll is yes WAY too greedy! :)

  4. greedy? hmm.. yes
    everything's more expensive

  5. Stardoll has always been pretty greedy... :[
    but LE was NEVER 30sd except for maybe necklasses....

    I bought an LE season 3 purse from the original store and it cost 150sd!

  6. They were always greedy,but yes,they are getting TOO greedy

  7. yes you have a point le was 30-50 sd.I`m avril1894.

  8. yes they are always too greedy :(

