Hello Everyone!
Sorry I have not posted for a while, but I thought of doing something like this!
So this time, I will do Taylor Swift.
Do you like it?
This is how I made the outfit!
Sadly the dress is SS(like the make-up) but you can always go to dresses in search and then purple!
This is the NATURAL taylor swift look! I used BOTH lengthening and thickening mascara, and just really light eyeshadow. And pale red lipstick, with a light brown sunny rouge! You could of course vary the eyeshadow, as long as it is natural, just like you could do with every other make-up!
This is how my list looked like! The most things in SS are just the make-up, but without I would have payed 10 sd, not including the dress...
Pallie xoxo
Do you want to see both Make-up and dress from your favourite Star?
Then write in comments which one!
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