Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Twilight Series Continues...

Walking through a magical forest filled with these creatures with very pale, and of course sparkly skin grabs your attention. You feel so connected to the big screen, taking a big sip of your $5 coke, you start to feel lifted off your feet, a new adventure is coming.
Welcome to the captivating world of
 Millions, possibly billions of twilight fans for sure will be watching part one on the release date, I'm sure the theaters will be jammed, and you might even possibly see people camping out at the movie theaters ready to get their chance to see the midnight showing of BREAKING DAWN.
If you are a twilight crazed fan, like myself, you are probably dying to see the trailer.
I think it personally looks amazing, and I will definitely be buying a ticket the the midnight premire :)

What's your take on this series?
Do you think that people might go overboard to see the movie?
Are you thrilled that they are continuing the saga?